Notes from the 8月ust 12, 2006 Regents Meeting


桑迪亚普韦布洛,n.M.8月. 14, 2006 – The ag亚游集团App下载 Board of Regents, meeting this past Saturday morning8月ust 12, after its annual retreat at the Sandia Resort, gave its approval to an extensive list of funding requests for research and public service projects at the state-supported research university in Socorro.

The more than $15 million in approved funding requests for Fiscal Year 2007-2008, along with supporting documentation, will now be forwarded to the New Mexico Department of Higher Education for its consideration. If approved by that state agency, the funding requests will then be presented for consideration for line-item funding at next year’s state legislative session.

Included in the appropriation requests are an increase in funding for ag亚游集团App下载’s Geophysical 研究 Center, expansion of the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources’ statewide aquifer mapping 程序, and matching funds for federally funded research projects and additional personnel and staff training at the university’s Petroleum Recovery 研究 Center (PRRC).

Added funding is also sought for several of ag亚游集团App下载’s existing research divisions and academic 程序s, including the Energetic Materials 研究 and Testing Center, Magdalena Ridge Observatory, Institute for Complex Additive Systems, Master of Science Teaching Program, New Mexico Science and Engineering Fair and Science Olympiad, and the New Mexico Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA) statewide 程序.

In other official actions taken at the university governing board’s annual retreat meeting, the ag亚游集团App下载 Board of Regents approved a budget recommendation to allocate $101,000 from revenues earned by the university’s Marion and Irving Langmuir Quasi-Endowment toward employee salaries and benefits of personnel working at Tech’s Langmuir Laboratory for Atmospheric 研究, a research facility located atop the Magdalena Mountains since 1963.

In addition, the ag亚游集团App下载 Board of Regents also gave its approval to the recent faculty appointments of Nikolai G. Kalugin to the full-time, tenure-track position of assistant professor of chemistry and Andrei N. Zagrai to the full-time, tenure-track position of assistant professor of mechanical engineering.

Emeritus status was conferred by the board of regents on longtime ag亚游集团App下载 mineral engineering professor Catherine Aimone-Martin, who recently retired from her full-time position at the university.

In other retirement related matters, the Tech regents also approved the names of two new signatories — Arleen Valles and Anna McLain — to replace recent Tech retirees and former administrators W.D. “Denny” Peterson and Harvey Wilds as check signers for ag亚游集团App下载 bank accounts.

During the meeting, the ag亚游集团App下载 Board of Regents also voted to approve the first Budget Adjustment Request (BAR) presented to the governing board for Fiscal Year 2006-2007, due to reclassification of some of the university’s revenues.

The ag亚游集团App下载 Board of Regents was further informed by Tech administrators that three recent expenditures of more than $100,000 were made with restricted funds, including $6.5 million for the construction of the Magdalena Ridge Observatory’s Beam Combining Facility; a $170,000 subcontract to Kinder Morgan Production Company for the Southwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership —Phase II; and a $131,089 subcontract issued to the University of North Dakota on behalf of the PRRC for the research division’s ongoing “Improving Gas Flooding Efficiency” research project.